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Do I get a refund if I cancel my trip?

Customer Relations
Do I get a refund if I cancel my trip?
A Renter may cancel a booking only through Mobii App, and such cancellation shall be effective immediately.
Full refund: Free cancellation period and cancellation for cleaning/disinfection concerns.
Partial refund: Cancellations outside the free period and renter no-shows.
No refund: Early returns
Booking time of 25 hours or more before trip starts; free cancellation until 24 hours before trip starts.
Booking time of less than 25 hours before trip starts; free cancellation 1 hour after the booking.
A renter may cancel free of charge up to 24 hours before their trip starts. Renters who book within 24 hours of their trip have one hour after booking to cancel for free.
If a renter wants to cancel a booked trip, we encourage them to notify their host as soon as possible via Mobii platform and to process the cancellation themselves through the Mobii app only.
Cancellation for cleaning/disinfection concerns or when the car was not properly advertised. A Renter may cancel free of charge and receive a full refund if, (1) upon inspecting the vehicle, they have concerns that it hasn't been cleaned and disinfected. A Renter is only eligible for a full refund if they: do not accept the vehicle, do not start the rental process for the trip, and (2) the renter must immediately upload the photos via Mobii App and contact Mobii Customer Support to report the issue.
Cancellations outside the free period if a renter wants to cancel a booked trip beyond the free period as stated above, Mobii shall charge the booking fee and cost IN FULL from the account of the renter.
Renter no-show If a renter fails to cancel and doesn't show up for the trip within 30 minutes of the trip's scheduled start time, it's a renter no-show.A renter who shows up to a trip with no license, only with a student permit, or with an invalid license, or who sends their additional driver in their place is also a renter no-show. Mobii or the host will cancel renter no-show trips, and Mobii shall charge the booking fee and cost IN FULL from the account of the renter.
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